Ourlyard™ Augentropfen zur Rehabilitation der Alterssichtigkeit


Im Allgemeinen beginnt die überwiegende Mehrheit der Menschen nach dem 40. Lebensjahr, ihre Sehkraft zu verlieren, entwickeln Augenprobleme wie Altersweitsichtigkeit, Grauer Star, altersbedingte Makuladegeneration usw. Ourlyard™ bietet Lösungen, um Ihnen bei der Bewältigung Ihrer Augenprobleme zu helfen und Ihre Sehkraft in 2-4 Wochen wiederherzustellen.

Ourlyard™ Augentropfen zur Rehabilitation der Alterssichtigkeit

Die rein natürliche Formel von Ourlyard™ versorgt Ihre Augen ganzheitlich und hilft, Ihre trübe Sicht innerhalb von 2-4 Wochen zu verbessern.

In einer 30-tägigen klinischen Studie mit 3.365 Teilnehmern weltweit wurde gezeigt, dass das Produkt die Symptome verschiedener Augenkrankheiten lindert.

DOCTIA® ist eine einzigartige Formel, die von einem Team unter der Leitung von Dr. Y. Ralph Chu, einem Augenarzt, entwickelt wurde. Es wurde klinisch nachgewiesen, dass es Augenkrankheiten wie Rötungen, trockene Augen, Glaukom, Altersweitsichtigkeit, Grauer Star, diabetische Retinopathie, altersbedingte Makuladegeneration und hohen Augendruck behandelt.

Ourlyard™ Augentropfen zur Rehabilitation der Alterssichtigkeit

Lassen Sie uns einen Blick auf unsere zufriedenen Kunden werfen.

Linda C.

“Ich fand, dass das Tragen einer Brille im Alter von 38 Jahren eine faszinierende Möglichkeit war, meine Persönlichkeit und Freiheit auszudrücken oder den Geist der Freiheit zu wecken, den ich mir wünschte. Mit 48 Jahren wurde ich so abhängig von meiner Brille, dass sie ihren Reiz verlor: weil ich mein Telefon beim Fahren nicht sehen konnte, habe ich oft E-Mails und Textnachrichten verpasst. Deshalb wollte ich Warebrill Augentropfen ausprobieren, ein brandneues Produkt für Menschen, die aufgrund des Alterns oder anderer Faktoren verschwommene Sicht haben. Ich war froh zu sehen, dass ich nach drei Wochen Anwendung von Warebrill keine Brille mehr für meine Altersweitsichtigkeit benötigte. Ein Muss für jeden wie mich!”

Sandy Scott

Wie funktionieren DOCTIA® Augentropfen?

Ourlyard™ Augentropfen zur Rehabilitation der Alterssichtigkeit

DOCTIA® primarily works by shrinking the pupil to the optimal size needed for focusing on objects up close, explained Dr. Y. Ralph Chu, CEO of the Chu Vision Institute in Bloomington, MD, and one of the main individuals responsible for FDA approval of the drops.

DOCTIA® is by far the first and only FDA-approved eye drops for the treatment of age-related vision loss. When the DOCTIA® eye drops enter your eyes, they can temporarily shrink the pupil and help improve the eyes’ ability to focus up close while maintaining clear distance vision. DOCTIA® uses a patented technology that allows the eye drops to quickly adapt to the natural pH of the tear film, making their application convenient and comfortable.

What can DOCTIA® Eye Drops do for you?


Ourlyard™ Augentropfen zur Rehabilitation der Alterssichtigkeit

Presbyopia is caused by the hardening of the eye’s lens and occurs with age.It makes it difficult for the eyes to focus on near objects,causing them to become blurry or unclear.DOCTIA® Eye Drops is by far the first and only FDA-approved eye drop for the treatment of age-related blurred vision.When entering your eyes, DOCTIA® Eye Drops could temporarily reduce the size of the pupil and help improve eyes’ ability to focus at near distance while maintaining clear long-distance vision. DOCTIA® Eye Drops uses patented technology that allows eye drops to quickly adapt to the natural pH of the tear film,making it both convenient and comfortable to use.


Most cataracts occur in people over 55 years old,but they occasionally occur in infants or are caused by trauma or medication.Typically, cataracts occur in both eyes,but one eye may be more severe than the other.The unique formula of DOCTIA® Eye Drops can separate the cloudy parts of the eye’s lens,making the lens clean and bright.

Ourlyard™ Augentropfen zur Rehabilitation der Alterssichtigkeit

Glaucoma is a disease that causes vision loss due to optic nerve degeneration.Most patients are unaware they have glaucoma because there are no obvious symptoms. DOCTIA® Eye Drops can help drain fluid from the eyes,lower eye pressure, and restore normal eye function.

4.Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is an eye disease that can cause vision loss and blindness in diabetic patients.It affects the blood vessels in the retina,the light-sensitive tissue layer at the back of the eye. DOCTIA® Eye Drops can reduce retinal swelling,constrict blood vessels,and stop leakage, thus restoring vision.

5.Dry eye

Dry eye syndrome refers to a condition in which a person lacks sufficient high-quality tears to lubricate and nourish the eyes.Tears are necessary for maintaining the health of the front surface of the eye and providing clear vision. DOCTIA® Eye Drops can restore normal tear volume in the eyes,minimize dryness and associated discomfort to the greatest extent possible, and maintain eye health.

Ourlyard™ Augentropfen zur Rehabilitation der Alterssichtigkeit

Pterygium is the growth of fleshy tissue (with blood vessels),which may initially originate from the conjunctiva.It can remain small or grow large enough to cover part of the cornea.When this happens,it can affect your vision. DOCTIA® Eye Drops treat discomfort,redness,or swelling caused by pterygium.They also reduce the chance of pterygium regrowth,helping your eyes to recover.

Pilocarpine (pilocarpine) 

Pilocarpine (pilocarpine) is essentially an M-choline receptor agonist, which can cause targeted regulation of spasms, contraction of ciliary muscles, relaxation of suspensory ligaments, and convexity of the lens due to its own elasticity, so that the eyes can see near objects clearly. Its raw material, Vuity eye drops, is based on this effect to shrink the pupil, produce a pinhole effect, and increase the concentration depth to treat and improve the symptoms of blurred vision in presbyopia.


Brimonidine is the main active ingredient in DOCTIA® eye drops, which is the only over-the-counter drop that contains brimonidine. It selectively targets redness, thus mitigating some potential side effects associated with other redness relief drops.


Taurine is a sulfur-containing amino acid and an organic osmolyte that is involved in regulating cell volume, provides a substrate for the formation of bile salts, and plays a role in modulating intracellular free calcium concentration. Taurine has the ability to activate autophagy in adipocytes.

Vitamin B6
Ourlyard™ Augentropfen zur Rehabilitation der Alterssichtigkeit
Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, is a water-soluble vitamin that occurs naturally in many foods but is also added to foods and supplements. Pyridoxal-5′-phosphate (PLP) is the active coenzyme form and the most common measure of B6 blood levels in the body. PLP is a coenzyme that supports more than 100 enzymes in fulfilling various functions, including the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, maintaining a normal homocysteine level (as high levels can lead to heart problems), as well as supporting immune function and brain health.

Aspartic acid

Aspartic acid is used in medicine, the food industry, and the chemical industry, and has a preventive and restorative effect on fatigue in medicine. Along with a variety of amino acids, it is processed into an amino acid drink that is used as an ammonia antidote, to promote liver function, and to recover from fatigue.

Ourlyard™ Augentropfen zur Rehabilitation der Alterssichtigkeit

Euphrasia pectinata Tenore: This herb helps with itchy eyes and conjunctivitis. It has been used in Europe for a long time.
Ginkgo biloba: This herb can reduce the risk of glaucoma and macular degeneration.
Fennel: It is said to be particularly helpful for watery and inflamed eyes. In addition to these minor complaints, fennel can also be used to treat cataracts and glaucoma.
Saffron: It is a culinary herb that, like fennel, can be used to treat cataracts. It can also help treat the deterioration of vision in older people. It helps people with presbyopia to see better.
Cranberries: The benefits of these berries were discovered by British pilots during World War II. They said that it helped improve their night vision. Cranberries support blood circulation in the smallest capillaries. They also contain anthocyanins that help the eyes adjust to different light conditions.
Green tea: Green tea is not only known for its antioxidant properties and weight loss benefits, but it also helps reduce dark circles and swelling under the eyes.
Turmeric: It is known for its antiseptic properties. It also helps reduce the oxidation of the eye lens, which is the cause of many eye problems.
Grape seed: Grape seed extract is rich in secondary plant substances that have a positive effect on the eyes. It also has antihistamine and antioxidant properties that can overall have a positive effect on eye health.
Goldenseal: As an eye wash, it can be used to treat mild irritations caused by allergies such as trachoma.


Use the eye drops 2 times a day for a recommended period of 3-4 weeks.What makes DOCTIA® eye drops your best choice?

  1. For eye care.
  2. For symptoms of various eye diseases.
  3. To improve and heal the symptoms of eye redness, dry eyes, glaucoma, presbyopia, cataracts, and increased intraocular pressure.
  4. For the prevention of eye diseases.
  5. To address the effects of eye diseases.
  6. To make your eyes look brighter.


DOCTIA® Eye Drops (1/2/4/8/10/15 boxes,

0.5ml Single-Use Containers, 10 count/1 box)

Origin: United States

Package Includes: 1 x Ourlyard™ Augentropfen zur Rehabilitation der Alterssichtigkeit

Ourlyard™ Augentropfen zur Rehabilitation der Alterssichtigkeit
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